Thursday, August 25, 2005

sailing...takes me away to where I've always heard it could be...

crazy...who would have thought that someone like me would ever go sailing on lake michigan. definitely a whole different experience--i felt somewhat out of place because its such a bourgeois thing to do and i am of humble beginnings (ok, that's a bit exaggerated, but not that much). i guess the whole experience was similar to the feeling i had when i first ate dinner at a nice restaurant. a proper end to my time here in chicago (i'm leaving on august 31st) and probably a reminder of how out of place i've felt while i've been here (1 year, 4 months, 10 days and counting).

i went sailing with one of my boss' employees, Dirk, Darren (part owner of the boat w/ Dirk and some other guy), and 2 other guys my age (Brian and Tom, who work for Equity Office). an MBA intern at work was supposed to go with us, but he was feeling a little quesy from a night of partying and didn't want to risk getting sick on the boat. so i didn't really know anyone on the boat, but my experience in chicago has also taught me to be comfortable doing things on my own, so it was cool.

i took some amazing pictures of the chicago skyline and of the boat, which i have yet to upload onto my computer, so i will probably include them tonight or tomorrow. honestly, i was a little scared at first (because i had no idea what to expect) and didn't know how rocky it was supposed to be. We would turn and change directions (the term is "tack" i think) and i would have to quickly go to the other side of the boat. There were all these different sails (the jib, kite, and the other one), they would "cut" and "trim" the lines, put the "wrench" in the "pocket" -- it was like i was in a foreign country hearing a foreign language. luckily, i also took some bonine (equivalent to dramamine, but this brand was recommended by my aunt), because there were a few moments when i felt somewhat queasy, but never too bad. they let me steer the boat as we were coming back, and that was cool also.

can't wait to move back to the bay, but i can't believe just how behind i am with packing. the movers come saturday morning and i have so much to do.


At Thursday, August 25, 2005 9:14:00 AM, Blogger Liv said...

Yay! Another blogger!! Can't wait for you to move back to the bay :)

At Thursday, August 25, 2005 12:41:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh johanna, how long will it take for you to realize you were born to be bourgeois? glad you had fun and i'm glad i made you go :) go get packing, and i will see you the next time i'm in the bay! - Gary

At Sunday, August 28, 2005 6:34:00 PM, Blogger jane said...

welcome to the blogger club!


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